polaroids, holga fish eye, dslr, straw bag,
vintage bags, double braided headband,
loafers, heart-shaped sunnies,
denim high waisted, denim jumper,
Damn it seriously i'm going find work during the holidays so i'll be a rich ass taitai and go shopping everyday with girlfriends without worrying about $$$$$ cuz it'll be overflowing by then hahahaha okay wait i think i'm going crazy now cuz i'm doing some idiotic lang arts writing task that kept me stucked for 3 days ??!! someone pleazzeeee help me i'll give you lollies in return hahaha ^^ i'm going to get to Daiso tomorrow by hook or by crook and anyway should i join Gojane spreeeeeee and get my heart-shaped sunnies ??? its like freakinggggg cute to the max but then i'll have to wait for a month, which is like totally forever ??!! okay byebyebyebye i shall stop ranting and continue with my writing task and i can't finish holidays homework they're driving me crazyyyyy arghhhhhhh I H8 YOU FOREVER H8 H8 H8 H8 H88888888
may i knoe how old ar you?
I want to get a job too! But I thought need to have I/C then like next year then can... :(
to passer by only : hahahaha i'm only 14 ^^ who are you anyway !!!
to : really? I dont know if really need ic though, but i must seriously get a job or else i'll be broke !!! :( but have alot of band practices during holidays which means only can work during weekends argh !!!
HELLO SHIAT. eh i realised that this year 3C is triple science + geography but this year 4C is triple science + E.lit so i dunno if next year 3C is for the geography people ahahahha. but anyway i don't like 3C sounds so weird i like B best hahahh B for banana and banana is yellow. :) plus i suddenly realise that maybe there's gna be a tight competition to get into triple science because many many many many people from other classes DO get very very extremely high gpa like 3.8 or something like that and later they go snatch positions in triple science ! then if cannot get in i cry liao lor okay sorry for being so naggy hahahahh.
Hola hweeling hahahaha.
Lol lengkhoong's nags abt subject combi was confusing. I read until i gave up. Dont worry la hweeling you'all gpa are in the 'high-gpa-stream', sure triple sci one. (:
&me and ly wont choose triple, 2 rivals reduced. :D Jy!
i'm serious D: i also very scared leh. cause in my cca got quite a few of them are like 3.8, 3.7, 3.5, 3.3 i hear liao also pekchek. :(
to kelly : Hollllaaaaaaaa Kellyyyyyyy !!! ^^
to yueyao : omggggggggzzzz i don't know man its not high gpa its only average !!! :( :( :( and triple science like so stressful i'm thinking of not wanting it already. but then i'll not be a doctor anymore i won't have money to shop !!! :( :( :(
to lengkhoong : yeahhhhhhhhh its scary stupid people why do they have such good brainzzzzzz i wanna take a gun and shoot them dead ALL DEAD hahaha.
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