Hello sunshine


Hi this is my little blackbook where i doodle my life. I am not like any other in nature, that's why i study in Venus, i play in the rain, and i eat gazillions of food. I live in my wonderland where everyone will be plugging in headphones and humming to their favourite music and walk down small allies with their loved ones under the moonlight. They will also have late Friday night heart-to-heart talks on rooftops with fireworks and small twinkly stars and also late night shoppings at 2am in the morning. And whenever someone feels down, Santa Claus will come around to give them a yellow happy smiley sticker.

I believe in fairytales where Prince Charming would carry me to a castle on the hill, cuz almost everyone has the smallest bit of hope, of faith, that one day they will open their eyes and the fairytale would come true. My fairytale is that my husband and girlfriends will be sitting on grasses having picnics, flying kites, taking long walks along the beach and they will do those sweet little things that makes me happy. I will also travel around and see the whole world with my best girlfriends. Most importantly, i'll be in Paris to enjoy the scenery and star gaze in the night lying on open fields filled with dandelion flowerets and sunflowers with my soulmate. ^^

But most of all, i want to live life nonchantly and ravishingly,
enjoying my days to the fullest, just like how butterflies do.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008


"At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you , and once in a while people may even take your breath away. "
- Grey's Anatomy

Life's been pretty mundane for me, all the studying and blahblahblah will update some days later. Exams are approaching in 3 weeks' time and yes yes yes i have a sense of urgency now and coz i need to be more focused on things that are more important in life, such as education. I need to set my priorities right.


Sally said...

of cosxzxzxzxz!!! you better CONFIRM a date with me hor!! and not one, but i think you owe me three or four!! :P when ur exams end?

Hweeling said...

okayyyzzzz we shall we shall we shall meet up!!! i owe you so many hahahaha then we meet up everyweek okay!!! ^^ my exams end only at 17 oct :( :( :(