Hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaa world, exams are finally over yay yay yay ^^ so headed down to vivo today right after paper, planned to watch House Bunny but the timing was so screwed :( but nevamind, tomorrow we shall catch it !!! we had thiz small little cute peeeknixxxx at vivo with our breakfast hahahahahaha and we played the water too !!! my skirt was full of patches of mud it was damn grossssssss but well its all worth it ^^
sorry, i was trying to be a duck hahahahahaah !!!
went to shop around later but i got nothing in my hands cuz i only have 40bucks which is bloody not enough and..... topshop was having sale then i went in and i freaking saw a navy blue pinstripe shorts omggzzzzzzz !!!!!! and its 50bucks after discount i want to buy but i no money ;( imma going to persuade mummy to let me buy tomorrow hahahahah oh and there's thiz ballerina barbie pink flats only at 29 ahhhhhhhhhhhhh cheap cheap cheap ^^
met averil's sissy after and had lunch at superdog, then she wanted to go to the playground so we went. spent quite sometime playing with those little kiddoz they're very cute i luv them ^^
but were all exhuasted after the shouting running pushing playing spinning so we bought a king sized coke and headed to upstairs to see sentosa ^^ slacked there for awhile reading magz playing psp and look at the loots we had i got a cute small bracelet and a flower ring ^^ and i even got some cheapo barbie purple nail polish and manicured myself in the end it was so screwed lucky i only painted 2 hahahahha shall paint my nails later with alternate barbie pink and purple yayyyyy it'll be so kwet! ^^
will be going shopping at orchard tomorrow yay i can't wait ^^
comment in the previous post anyway. okayz baibai luv.